Volunteer Help Wanted
Part of the responsibilities of being newly elected as president of the club is to appoint Persons to the listed committees. These are committees that are listed in the By-Laws. The easy course would be to continue with the current Chairmen, however because of recent resignations we have many openings and I intend to place the most effective and willing individuals in these responsible positions. I know that these committees make my work load a lot lighter, but in all cases the individuals in these positions represent the Club to the membership as well as the public. As such, I would like to hear from anyone who is interested in being on a committee or be the Chair of a committee. Membership is all that is required, no limits on age or gender. Just a willingness to support the Club.
If you are presently on a committee and would like to remain on that committee or another, be sure to inform me. I am required to act within a month of taking office. If I don’t hear from you I will assume that you are no longer interested and will look for your replacement.
In addition to these committees we need volunteers for work projects. We will schedule work sessions throughout the year. There will be cleaning and indoor painting during the cold months. Outdoor painting and “yard work” in the spring and summer.
And we always can use additional help when we have shoots, signing people up to shoot, helping with scorekeeping, assisting in the kitchen, you name it… we are all volunteers and more help means less work for all.
Do you have a needed skill? Electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter, cook, like yard maintenance, an Attorney? Small engine repair. We have a need for all these skills. Help us out!
If you wish to help in any way, please contact one of the officers and they will put you on a list of volunteers and you can be sure I will find something for you to do. It might be, what appears to you, a trivial task, but I assure you it will lighten our loads. Right now, we are an 800-member club with about 15 people doing EVERYTHING. Every little bit helps.
Required Committees
- Program and Activities Committee – Keeps the Club’s monthly activity Calendar up to date and coordinates the activities of the various groups. (education classes, trap shoots, Skeet, 5-stand, Sporting Clays, Steel Challenge, Corrections and Cowboys) This ensures that we have a smooth flow of activity and few conflicts.
- Trap Shooting Committee – Generally the Chairman is the Trap Team Captain, but this is not set in stone. Provides feedback on equipment, maintenance and manpower requirements for Trap Shooting activities.
- Financial Committee – The Financial Committee shall have general supervision over the financial affairs of the Club, prepare an annual budget, and audit the books of the Treasurer.
- Nominating Committee – is responsible for providing a slate of officers for the annual elections.
- Building and Grounds Committee – Manages and coordinates any repairs, maintenance, new construction and modifications to Club facilities.
- Range Committee – Is a mirror image of the Buildings and Grounds but with a focus on range conditions, requirements and repairs. (two committees could be one)
- Membership Committee – Responsible for ordering Membership Cards as needed. Acquiring membership paraphernalia such as hats, shirts, cups, etc. Can be creative in strategies that increase and sustain club membership levels. Reducing non-renewals, loyalty building.
- By-Law Committee – participate in the review and rewrite of the current Constitution and By-Laws. Monitor and make continuing recommendations for updates.
- Sporting Clays Committee – Responsible for promoting Sporting Clays, conducting the monthly shoots. Monitors the equipment to ensure it is ready for each event. Will be in overall charge of Sporting Clays activities.
- Skeet Committee – Responsible for promoting Skeet Shooting, conducting the monthly shoots. Monitors the equipment to ensure it is ready for each event. Will be in overall charge of Skeet activities.